Monday, February 8, 2010

What Is The Purpose Of X Client Surplus Of Connection And Security Questions Involving Firewalls, Ports, And Pinging.?

Surplus of connection and security questions involving firewalls, ports, and pinging.? - what is the purpose of x client

I am currently using Windows Vista.
I'm using Windows Firewall, Trend Micro Anti-Virus and Spy Sweeper to monitor and to my team, the dose that you seem to be sufficiently protected to block? Connection seems to be quite sure, but still confirmed the view of some ports that I use my computer and open threats to it, how can I close ports Windows Firewall? or rather, it is a skeleton software firewall that has no end, but to lock and unlock the ports without any additional functionality and memory with the profits?

Moreover, the evidence that safety of my team responded to ping and most firewalls have the ability to prevent my computer to meet this schedule to "hidden" from potential harm. You can do this with Windows Firewall?

I also hear of programs or other suggestions that you can benefit from it. Also .. What is a good telnet client?


DevonL said...

Wow you're just a little paranoid. Hah Gibson that children as stupid does, like a security expert is still far from this book.

Most people do not use firewall, because we do not really put your intellectual property in a precarious to do it. Trend Micro AV is a decent, I personally prefer Kaspersky and have used it for several years. Spy Sweeper is good, but I use it in conjunction with Adaware and Spybot S & D to find different spyware.

An open port means nothing if it is running a vulnerable service, enable the port to be used. Stop worrying about opening certain ports, we will not, because this hacked.

It is normal for ping to the computer, as is normal for your computer to keep several pings and send to live. Quit worrying about this, your computer is not a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) without giving reasons.

Personally I like a good customer is using telnet. I noticed that the definition seems to have deletedWindows Telnet client Ault, is odd.

A unique program to prevent people from sniffing packets and packet logging, known as PeerGuardian. It works very well and runs quickly and smoothly into the background, only be sure not to allow "Block HTTP" or they have some problems visit the website.

A person is directly connected to you in an e-mail application to obtain its IP address, but not otherwise.

There's not many applications for compression, which compresses a file or set of files in a considerable amount. WinZip and WinRAR in ZIP or RAR compression is used more frequently.

Chris M - United PC of CNY said...

Well, it depends on which ports are open 80 and 443 must be open to use for the Internet. There are other ports for the program to access the Internet will be opened.
On the other firewall solution. If you have a spare PC. Smoothwall and IPCop firewall is great. Who are installed on your computer and between the router and the Internet. It is very easy to configure. Smoothwall is optiion to block everything, then add ports you want. What is the way I have my setup. Great Program

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